Published exclusively for NAPD members


Welcome to The Leader!

Leader’s function is to open a window to the world of education in Ireland and beyond.  It seeks to inform, challenge, and engage members.  It’s maybe not something to read from start to finish but rather dip in and out of as time and mood allows.

We look to strike a balance with research, critique, and analysis from an academic perspective with news of happenings, trends, innovations, and developments across the education spectrum, with the ultimate focus on what’s happening at the chalkface in schools.  The ultimate beneficiaries of all our labours must be the learners in our schools because otherwise, it’s only self-aggrandisement.

In our editorial board, we continually question how the content we publish benefits members.  We don’t have a monopoly of insights and wisdom.  We are always receptive to feedback – what’s useful and what’s not; what needs more exposure, what needs less, even none.  Leader must not be didactic – a missive from on high.  Its job is to engender discussion, debate, and dissent.

Most importantly, colleagues continually tell us that above all else, they love to hear in Leader of innovations, challenges, and successes in other schools and Colleges.  Some shy away from letting us know, in fear of being seen as showboating. 

It’s not.  Showcasing the best of your school is Continuous Professional Development in practice.

Do let us know.


Barry O’Callaghan, Editor

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